Weekly Update – The Dawn of the MetaChain Era, Hackathon and More!

Nov 24, 2023

Hi DeFiChain community,

Welcome to another edition of our weekly update. As another week rolls by, we're thrilled to bring you the latest updates, developments, and news from the heart of our ecosystem. Let's dive right in.

MetaChain EVM Layer Has Launched

The day we've all been eagerly anticipating has arrived—the MetaChain Layer hard fork is here! This release marks a significant milestone in the evolution of DeFiChain, ushering us into a new era of possibilities. A heartfelt thank you goes out to our core developers and the entire community for your unwavering support in making this dream a reality. To dive deeper into what this means for DeFiChain, read more here.

Transferring $DFI to MetaMask: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking to transfer your $DFI from the DeFiChain Light Wallet to MetaMask to start utilizing the new MetaChain layer? We've got you covered with a straightforward step-by-step guide to ensure a smooth transfer of funds between the two wallets. Check out the guide here.

Upholding Autonomy: DeFiChain Labs' Vision

For those who are curious about the vision behind DeFiChain Labs and our commitment to independent, open-source innovation, take a moment to explore the details in our blog post here: DefiChain Labs' Vision.

DeFiChain Developer Discord AMA: Rescheduled

Attention developers! The AMA with our core development team from DeFiChain Labs has been rescheduled to next week. We apologize for any inconvenience and will announce the new date and time on our social channels. This will be an excellent opportunity to engage and ask questions, so stay tuned! If you're eager to join our Developer Discord and start building on DeFiChain, please fill in this form.

DevHack 2023 by DeFiChain x AWS: Unleash Your Creativity

Get ready for DevHack 2023, powered by AWS—the most thrilling hackathon for blockchain developers this year! It's your chance to demonstrate your skills and vision to revolutionize our interactions within the Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystems. With up to $25k in prizes up for grabs, read all about it here.

DevHack 2023: Community Partners Announced

We're thrilled to announce our partnership with several leading Indian web3 communities for DevHack 2023! A big welcome to:

  • Hyderabad DAO
  • Web3Commune
  • Polygon Guild Delhi
  • Polygon Guild Bangalore


Catch up on the latest episode of the DeFiChain News Show, discussing the most crucial hard fork in DeFiChain's history. Watch it here:

It's been an extraordinary week filled with achievements that pave the way for a great future. As always, we thank you for your passion and dedication. Here's to many more milestones ahead!


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