Weekly Update – Anniversary, Special DFIP, Project Spotlight, And More!

May 17, 2024

Hi DeFiChain community,

As another week rolls by, we bring you the latest updates, developments, and opportunities within the DeFiChain ecosystem. Let's get straight into the highlights of this week.

Celebrating Four Years of DeFiChain: A Journey of Innovation and Growth

Four years ago, on 11 May 2020, the DeFiChain blockchain was born with the minting of its genesis block, marking the beginning of an extraordinary journey.

Since that pivotal moment, DeFiChain has not only captivated the hearts of countless DeFi enthusiasts but has also emerged as a dynamic and ever-evolving blockchain ecosystem, seamlessly combining Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Join us in celebrating this milestone and check out the accomplishments we've achieved together in our blog post.

Virtual Event: Unlock the Power of Decentralized Applications with MetaChain!

Are you ready to dive into the world of dApps and explore the cutting-edge DeFiChain MetaChain layer?

Join us for an immersive virtual workshop designed to guide you through the process of building your first decentralized application (dApp) on this innovative platform.

📅 Date: Thursday, May 30th
⏰ Time: 5:00 PM SGT
🌐 Location: DeFiChain Dev Discord

More details and registration here.

Special DFIP: Vote!

The special DFIP is well on its way with a 97+% approval rate. If approved, here’s what it means: 

👉 Daily decrease of 5%+0.5% for DEX Stab fees (excluding DUSD-DFI pool) for the first 10 days, then a 0.5% decrement for the next 20 days.
👉 Decrease reward emission from 25% to 5% on the DUSD-DFI pool and redirect 20% to BBB.
👉 Reactivate BBB: Automated sell of $DFI to $DUSD, then burn off $DUSD.

There’s still some time left to cast your vote!

More about the DFIP here.

Project Spotlight: MarbleFi

In this spotlight edition, we highlight MarbleFi, a Liquid Staking derivative provider that enables DeFiChain masternode holders to use their locked-up capital more effectively.

MarbleFi is a groundbreaking product by @BirthdayDev that unlocks the power of your $DFI assets. It allows you to earn $DFI rewards without having to manage your own Masternodes.

Find out how it works in our latest blog post.

Ecosystem Project Updates

  • OctoDeFi

@Octo_Defi is about to unveil their new SmartWallet in an introduction video. 

  • Javsphere

@Javsphere’s $JAV token will be added to Bitrue next week.

  • CrowdSwap

@CrowdSwap_App unveiled their first investment fee free DeFi ETF.

  • DEX Trading Live

@DexTradingLive posted the current leaderboard of their Dex Trading Masters Anniversary Edition.

Note: The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. Always conduct your own research and consider consulting with a financial professional before making any investment decisions.

That's all for this week's update. We're thrilled to see the community's continuous support and enthusiasm as we forge ahead with new developments and milestones. Stay tuned for more news and updates from DeFiChain!


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