Weekly Update – Spotlight Program, New TestNet And Developer Discord

Hi DeFiChain community!
Welcome to this week's roundup, where we shed light on the latest happenings and advancements within our thriving ecosystem. Let's dive right into the action!

Spotlighting the Pioneers of MetaChain

We're thrilled to introduce the DeFiChain Spotlight Program! This initiative is designed to highlight the innovative projects being developed on the upcoming MetaChain layer. Each project tells a unique story and contributes to the collective strength and potential of DeFiChain's growing community.

By participating, you’ll gain the chance to showcase your project to a wider audience, garner support from fellow community members, and enjoy exclusive perks. This initiative is about more than recognition — it’s about fostering collaboration, encouraging knowledge sharing, and building momentum for the MetaChain layer. Ready to put your project in the spotlight? Apply now.

MetaChain Beta 6 TestNet Release

We launched the Beta 6 version for Changi TestNet a few days ago. This latest version comes packed with comprehensive fixes and upgrades, addressing several community-reported issues. Our tireless team has been working around the clock to ensure that this update significantly improves your experience.

Moreover, we're also keeping an eye out for the much-anticipated DST20 support. Expect more news on this development soon!

Connect, Collaborate and Create with DeFiChain Developer Discord

Our DeFiChain developer community is expanding rapidly with the help of our dedicated Discord server. This serves as a collaborative platform for exchanging ideas, reporting issues, and connecting with core developers. Developers interested in joining can do so by filling out this form.

On-Chain Voting Results

Our latest on-chain voting round came to a close last week at Block Height 3,120,000. The community has spoken, and although no new DFIPs were approved, the CFP for Ocean found favour in this round. This voting process underlines our commitment to community-led decisions and transparent governance.

For an overview of current DFIPs & CFPs, please visit DeFiScan. And if you're new to the voting process or need a quick refresher, our guide here provides all the information you'll need.

TestNet Connection and Free Tokens: Embrace the Future Today

In anticipation of the forthcoming MetaChain layer launch, we invite you to experience this game-changer via the TestNet. We've prepared a comprehensive guide on how to connect to the TestNet and get some free $DFI TestNet tokens. So why wait to embrace the future? Get ahead of the curve and read more about this in our recent blog post.

DeFiChain News Show: Stay Informed, Stay Ahead

The latest episode of the DeFiChain News Show is a must-watch for everyone keen to understand the strides we're making. The episode delves into how the DeFiChain community is continuously innovating and inching closer to the MetaChain launch. You can catch the enlightening episode here:

Notable Mentions: Learn, Leverage, Lead

Mark your calendars for OpenDAppsCloud on DeFiChain Twitter spaces next week. This is your chance to learn how you can seamlessly scale your infrastructure for projects being built on MetaChain.

That wraps up our update for this week. Stay tuned for more thrilling developments and make sure to be a part of the exciting journey as we continue to innovate, expand, and redefine the DeFiChain ecosystem!