Weekly Update – Voting Results, CFP Spotlight, And More!

Feb 28, 2025

Hi DeFiChain Community,

Welcome to your weekly round-up of the DeFiChain ecosystem! It’s been another bustling week with plenty of developments. Let’s dive in and explore what’s new and exciting.

DeFiChain Voting Results Are In!

The voting has closed at block height 4,810,000, and here’s a breakdown of the results for the five DFIPs:

DFIP1: Increasing DUSD Minting — Automatic Repay of DUSD Loan

Yes: 59.12% (389 votes)
No: 40.88% (269 votes)
Neutral: 1,793 votes
🔴 Rejected as it did not meet the required 66.67% approval ❌

DFIP2: Proposal for Adjusted Fee Structure to Enhance DUSD Liquidity and Trading Volume

Yes: 98.46% (2,114 votes)
No: 1.54% (33 votes)
Neutral: 305 votes
🟢 Approved with strong majority ✅

DFIP3: Proposal Special Interest Groups (SIGs) for DeFiChain

Yes: 98.22% (2,099 votes)
No: 1.78% (38 votes)
Neutral: 315 votes
🟢 Approved with strong majority ✅

DFIP4: Proposal to Reallocate Funds from DFIP 2201-A for Community Fund and DUSD Burn

Yes: 98.50% (2,107 votes)
No: 1.50% (32 votes)
Neutral: 311 votes
🟢 Approved with strong majority ✅


Yes: 15.18% (331 votes)
No: 85.82% (1,849 votes)
Neutral: 291 votes
🔴 Rejected as it did not meet the required 66.67% approval ❌

No liability assumed

CFP Spotlight: DeFiChain Labs' Request For Developer Resources

Following the successful funding of its initial proposal, DeFiChain Labs has identified the need for specialized technical expertise to address potential blockchain related issues.

To ensure the continued stability and efficiency of the network, the team is now seeking additional funding over 1.85M DFI to secure these critical developer resources.

Learn more about it here.

Survey: A Great Community, But Invisible? Let’s Change That!

Don’t miss your final opportunity to vote! It only takes 2 minutes to make a difference and help shape the future of DeFiChain Transformation 2025. Let’s come together and give our community a strong presence in the crypto world!

Find out more about it here.

Ecosystem Project Updates

Crypto Factor Interchain testing was a success!

11 reasons why $DTL could be a good addition to your portfolio.

Note: The content provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. Always conduct your own research and consider consulting with a financial professional before making any investment decisions.

That wraps up this week’s DeFiChain update. Stay tuned for more exciting developments as we continue to build and grow the DeFiChain ecosystem. Here’s to another week of innovation and community-driven progress in the world of decentralized finance!


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