Weekly Update – Special DFIP and Quests on Galxe

Hi DeFiChain community!

We hope you're having an exciting week so far. We’re back with our weekly digest to keep you updated on all the latest happenings in the DeFiChain ecosystem. Let’s dive in!

A Special DFIP to Bolster DFI Utility and Buying Pressure

We've introduced a special DFIP that aims to provide support to DFI by adding utility and enhancing buying pressure simultaneously. The proposal involves:

  • Wrapping cryptos and making them available on DeFiChain DEX.
  • Staking funds on the backed bake address and using 100% of the rewards to buy and burn DFI. The voting for this DFIP will conclude at block height 3212713, with an ETA of Aug 21, 2023. Find out more details on this proposal here and here.

Join the Quests on Galxe

We're thrilled to announce that the first DeFiChain quests are now live on Galxe! You can complete missions and earn rewards 🚀. Simply visit this link to earn your rewards. Keep a lookout for more quests and rewards, coming your way soon!

MetaScan’s New Features by Birthday Research

MetaScan, powered by Birthday Research, has been upgraded, and new features have been added! Some of the notable updates include:

  • Smart Contract Publishing: You can now publish and verify smart contracts on the MetaChain layer via scan.
  • Token Tracking: With the new token tracking feature, you can easily view and monitor details of every token launched on the MetaChain layer. Explore these new features now on MetaScan.

In Case You Missed It & Upcoming Shows

Check out the latest episode of the DeFiChain News Show, which recaps the recent Tech Talk along with updates on MetaChain and community projects on it. Watch the episode here:

That wraps up this week's updates from the DeFiChain ecosystem! We're thrilled about the progress we're making, and we're grateful for your continued support. Stay tuned for more exciting developments, and together, let's continue to redefine the world of decentralized finance!