Weekly Update - Voting Results, Quantum & MetaChain Updates

Hi DeFiChain Community,

We're back with another exciting roundup of the week’s events, featuring key updates and developments in the DeFiChain ecosystem.

On-Chain Voting Results

The recent round of DeFiChain on-chain voting concluded on 4 June 2023 at Block Height 2,990,000. As always, it was encouraging to see our community members participating in these important decision-making processes. You can view the voting results and the impact of your votes on the DeFiChain ecosystem here.

Quantum Welcomes the 'Queue'

Improving your experience with Quantum has always been a priority for us. As part of this commitment, we've developed 'Queue', a feature designed to help you bypass liquidity issues on Quantum by queuing your transactions. We launched this feature on MainNet yesterday, so go and check it out yourself.

Progress on the MetaChain

Our team is working tirelessly on getting the TestNet ready for the MetaChain. We're hopeful of launching it by the end of this week. Meanwhile, you can explore the potential of the MetaChain by connecting to FloppyNet. Here are the guides to connect to Floppynet via a local node and to connect Metamask to Floppynet:

DeFiChain News Show and More

Did you miss the latest episode of the DeFiChain News Show? Fret not, you can watch it here. The recent episode pays tribute to U-Zyn, the visionary author of the DeFiChain white and pink papers. Join us in celebrating his invaluable contribution to the DeFiChain ecosystem.

As always, thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Your ongoing engagement and support continue to inspire us to innovate and drive the DeFiChain ecosystem forward. Stay tuned for more exciting news and developments in the coming week!

Stay decentralized, DeFiChain Community!