Watch out for DeFiChain Easter Eggs this week and win up to 200 DFI FREE!

Mar 29, 2021
  1. Promotion

During the ‘Easter Egg Hunt’ promotion from 29 March 2021 until 03 April 2021, DeFiChain will drop seven (7) Easter eggs in seven (7) different colours on DeFiChain’s various social media channels.

The users have to follow all seven (7) DeFiChain social media channels (see under 2. Social Media Channels) and monitor these channels for a possible Easter egg drop. The drop can happen for instance in a message, a blog post, a video or a Reddit post. DeFiChain will drop eggs randomly and at different times during the promotion period.

Each egg has a different colour and a unique number written on it. After all seven (7) eggs have been dropped, users have to arrange the eggs in the pre-defined order shown in the template attached to this Twitter / Telegram post and note down the 7-digit number. The user then has to submit the following details via an online Google Form for further processing:

  1. 7-digit Easter egg code
  2. DFI-address
  3. Reddit name
  4. Twitter name

On top of that, the users also have to:

Besides forwarding the above four (4) details, the user also has to follow, upvote and like / retweet all egg related posts on social media (see under 2. Social Media Channels).

2. Social Media Channels

To be eligible for the prize draw, any user has to perform the following task(s) on any Easter egg drop on any of the following seven (7) eligible social media channels. If an Easter egg is dropped at any of the following channels, then the user has to perform the tasks outlined below:

3. Prize

Among all entries that fulfill the prerequisites outlined under point 1., DeFiChain will randomly select 20 users for the following prizes. A total of 600 DFI will be distributed to twenty (20) lucky winners:

  • 1st Prize: 200 DFI (1x)
  • 2nd Prize: 100 DFI (1x)
  • 3rd Prize: 60 DFI (1x)
  • 4th-10th Prize: 20 DFI (7x)
  • 11th-20th Prize: 10 DFI (10x)

4. Promotion Period

The users have to make sure to send in all relevant information mentioned under point 1. via the online Google Form by 03 April 2021, at 23:59 UTC at the latest.

  • Egg drop starts: Monday, 29 March 2021
  • Egg drop ends: Friday, 02 April 2021
  • Promo ends: Saturday, 03 April, 23:59 UTC
  • Winner Announcements: Week after Easter


All the information collected by DeFiChain will be solely used for this particular promotion. After the promotion has ended, DeFiChain will delete all information collected via this promotion.


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