DFIPs to Fix the dToken System: A New Dawn for DeFiChain

The dToken system is a cornerstone of the DeFiChain ecosystem, but its stability and usefulness have come under scrutiny in recent times.

Community efforts to save the dToken system have led to the proposal of three Decentralized Financial Improvement Proposals (DFIPs), each aiming to revitalize and fortify the system.

Among these, one DFIP stands out, promising a comprehensive overhaul of the dToken system. This blog post delves into this pivotal DFIP, exploring its novel approach and the community's expectations.

How Is This DFIP Different From Previous Ones?

The new DFIP takes a bold departure from previous attempts. Earlier proposals focused on incentivizing market participants, hoping to steer their behavior in a favorable direction. 

However, such measures have proven insufficient, as market behavior remains unpredictable despite incentives. The failure to boost demand sufficiently to match the algorithmic supply has led to systemic inefficiencies.

The current system's reliance on dynamic interest rates to maintain a peg has been partially effective, but the liquidity glut of algorithmic dTokens and DUSD has hampered it.

The new DFIP aims to address these core issues by rebuilding the dToken system from the ground up, starting with minimal initial liquidity and a structured, conditional liquidity release mechanism.

The New Approach: A Fresh Start with Minimal Liquidity

Instead of depending on voluntary actions of market participants, the proposed DFIP initiates a new dToken system with minimal initial liquidity. 

This liquidity will be allocated to current dToken system ownership addresses, with a plan to refund them over time. The process begins with a snapshot of current ownership addresses and funds, followed by several key actions:

  1. Airdrop of Initial Liquidity: A predefined percentage of all current dTokens and DUSD will be credited to the current ownership addresses, effectively creating an airdrop for existing users. This initial liquidity will jumpstart the new system.
  2. Conditional Liquidity Release: The remaining liquidity will be divided into 100 tranches, to be released based on specific health metrics of the system. This ensures that liquidity is introduced only when the system can support it, preventing oversaturation.
  3. New Stablecoin and dTokens: For marketing purposes, the new stablecoin will be called USDD, and new dTokens will retain the names of existing ones, with old dTokens marked for easy identification.

The Implementation Mechanics

The DFIP outlines a detailed mechanism for implementing these changes:

  • Snapshot and Airdrop: At a specific block, a snapshot of the current system's ownership will be taken. A portion of current dTokens and DUSD will be credited to these addresses as the new system's starting liquidity.
  • Liquidity Allocation: The initial liquidity will be allocated to new pools that start trading at the same prices as before but with minimal liquidity. This aims to stabilize the new system from the outset.
  • System Mechanisms: Existing mechanisms like vault mechanisms, LP rewards, future swaps, and oracles will be applied to the new dToken system.
  • Tranche-Based Liquidity Release: Liquidity will be released in tranches based on predefined criteria, including the market cap ratios and the stability of the USDD price. The release conditions are structured to ensure a healthy and balanced liquidity introduction.

Expectations and Future Outlook

The proposed DFIP is still partly under development, with significant work required to finalize and implement the code. The DeFiChain Labs lead developers are tasked with ensuring thorough checks and dependencies alignment.

This means that the community should not expect an overnight implementation; rather, it will need to be phased and meticulously planned over several weeks.

Final Words

This DFIP presents a promising path forward for the dToken system, addressing its fundamental flaws with a structured, incentive-independent approach. 

By restarting the system with minimal liquidity and a conditional release mechanism, this DFIP aims to establish a more stable and efficient dToken ecosystem. The community's support and patience will be crucial as this ambitious plan unfolds.