CFP Spotlight: The Path to Complete Decentralization for DeFiChain Beyond Bake

Sep 11, 2024

As DeFiChain continues to evolve, the transition towards complete decentralization is a natural and necessary progression.

To further this mission, DeFiChain Labs is proposing a pivotal step: severing ties with Bake/Cake Group and operating independently.

This shift, backed by funding from the Community Fund, will ensure that all key operations remain stable while positioning DeFiChain for long-term, sustainable growth.

This post explores the details of this proposal and its significance for DeFiChain's future.

Overview of the Proposal

DeFiChain has always been at the forefront of decentralized finance, fostering a vibrant ecosystem driven by community participation. To stay aligned with its commitment to true decentralization, the proposal seeks to establish DeFiChain Labs as a fully independent, community-backed organization, funded directly by the blockchain.

The proposed funding requirement is 8,000,000 DFI to support one year of DeFiChain Labs' operations. This allows DeFiChain Labs to continue running essential infrastructure such as the website, blog, social media channels, and YouTube while focusing on marketing, strategic partnerships, and community outreach.

The purpose of this proposal is to enable DeFiChain Labs to function autonomously, free from reliance on external entities, and directly supported by the community.

Why This Matters

Transitioning DeFiChain Labs to a fully decentralized entity is critical for several reasons:

  • Operational Continuity: DeFiChain Labs will maintain existing operations, ensuring that platforms like the website, social media, and YouTube remain active, up-to-date, and aligned with community goals. This guarantees consistency in DeFiChain’s public presence.
  • Sustainable Growth: With secure funding, DeFiChain Labs will be equipped to execute strategic marketing and growth initiatives, fostering the continued expansion of the DeFiChain ecosystem.
  • Decentralized Governance: A key tenet of DeFiChain’s vision is decentralization. This transition ensures that the platform's core structure is funded and governed directly by the blockchain, minimizing external dependencies.
  • Focused Expansion: As DeFiChain Labs becomes fully independent, it will focus on scaling the ecosystem through partnerships, marketing, and growth initiatives. This autonomy ensures that DeFiChain remains on course for sustainable expansion.

Strategic Initiatives of the Proposal

Marketing & Community Growth

  • Seamless Continuity: All channels—websites, social media, blog, podcasts—will continue to operate without disruption. The community can expect the same level of engagement and activity as before.
  • Community Building: DeFiChain Labs will implement targeted campaigns to boost community participation and engagement.
  • Educational Outreach: Comprehensive resources will help onboard new users and keep the community informed about DeFiChain’s ecosystem.

Strategic Partnerships

  • Token Wrapping Transition: DeFiChain Labs will oversee the transition to a new token-wrapping provider, ensuring seamless liquidity flow within the ecosystem.
  • Communications Hub: DeFiChain Labs will serve as the key intermediary between Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and the community, ensuring transparent and efficient communication.
  • Partnership Growth: The team will focus on strengthening existing partnerships and establishing new ones with centralized exchanges and other blockchain networks, bringing liquidity and users to DeFiChain.

Accountability and Community Engagement

To maintain transparency and accountability, DeFiChain Labs will implement the following measures:

  • Quarterly Community Updates: Regular updates on progress will be provided, allowing for community feedback and involvement.
  • Public Reporting: Reports on marketing and growth outcomes will be published to keep the community informed.
  • Collaborative Governance: The community will play an active role in guiding DeFiChain Labs, with opportunities to contribute to key decisions and initiatives.


The transition of DeFiChain Labs to a fully independent, blockchain-funded entity marks a significant milestone in DeFiChain’s journey towards full decentralization.

By securing direct funding from the blockchain, DeFiChain Labs can focus on driving ecosystem growth, fostering partnerships, and ensuring DeFiChain remains a leader in the decentralized finance space.

This proposal seeks the community’s support in funding this crucial transition, empowering DeFiChain Labs to advance its mission and uphold the principles of decentralization and community governance.

If you think that complete decentralization of DeFiChain beyond Bake is a good idea, now is the time to vote.


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