A Closer Look at the February DFIP & CFP Voting Round

Jan 29, 2025

The latest governance voting round on DeFiChain features five key DeFiChain Improvement Proposals (DFIPs) aimed at enhancing the ecosystem’s stability, liquidity, and decentralization.

These proposals address critical areas such as DUSD minting, fee structures, decentralized governance, and long-term peg stability.

Below is a breakdown of the proposals and their potential impact:

  1. Proposal for Increasing DUSD Minting — Automatic Repay of DUSD loan
  2. Proposal for Adjusted Fee Structure to Enhance DUSD Liquidity and Trading Volume
  3. Proposal Special Interest Groups (SIGs) for DeFiChain
  4. Proposal to Reallocate Funds from DFIP 2201-A for Community Fund and DUSD Burn
  5. Force the peg finally


DFIP 1: Increasing DUSD Minting — Automatic Repay of DUSD Loan

This proposal introduces an "Auto-Payback with Collateral" mechanism to provide an alternative to immediate liquidation. By automatically repaying DUSD loans with available DUSD collateral, users gain greater security when minting DUSD while ensuring systemic stability.

Key Features:
  • Automatic Repayment: When a vault's collateral ratio falls below 150%, the system automatically repays the DUSD loan using the vault’s DUSD collateral.
  • No Liquidation: Liquidation does not occur if the available DUSD collateral is equal to or greater than the outstanding DUSD loan.
  • Enhanced Stability: If the DUSD loan exceeds the available DUSD collateral, the system prioritizes repayment to restore collateral health.
  • Failsafe Mechanism: If no DUSD collateral remains, standard liquidation procedures apply.
  • Increased DUSD Minting: Encourages more users to mint DUSD without fear of sudden liquidation.
  • Vault Security: Users experience added protection, fostering confidence in the DeFiChain ecosystem.
  • System Stability: The proposal ensures resilience during volatile market conditions, enhancing the ecosystem’s sustainability.

Developers retain discretion to adjust implementation details to ensure feasibility and security.

DFIP 2: Adjusted Fee Structure to Enhance DUSD Liquidity & Trading Volume

To refine the dynamic fee structure implemented for stabilizing DUSD, ensuring trading volume returns while maintaining essential controls over gateway pools.

Proposed Adjustments:
  • Dynamic Fees Retained for pools interacting with external assets: DUSD/DFI, DUSD/USDC, DUSD/USDT, DUSD/EUROC, DUSD/XCHF.
  • Dynamic Fees Removed from dToken (RWA) pools to encourage trading.
  • Introduction of Static 0.1% Fee on dToken (RWA) pools, with collected fees burned to enhance DUSD stability.
  • Crypto Pools Fee Increase: An additional 0.1% fee on crypto pools (excluding gateway pools), with proceeds swapped to DUSD and burned.
  • Negative Interest (NI) Adjustments: 70% of negative interest will be allocated to burning DUSD, with 30% directed towards incentives.
Expected Outcomes:
  • Higher Trading Volume: Reduced friction in dToken pools encourages more activity and liquidity.
  • Stronger Peg Stability: Controlled exits from DUSD and additional DUSD burning mechanisms ensure long-term stability.
  • Flexibility Through Token Economy SIG: The SIG retains authority to modify fees and interest rates as market conditions evolve.

DFIP 3: Establishment of Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

To formalize decentralized, community-driven working groups that handle critical operational aspects of DeFiChain.

Proposed SIGs:
  1. Marketing SIG – Focused on ecosystem growth and brand visibility.
  2. Tokenomics SIG – Oversees dToken lifecycle, reward distribution, fees, and stability mechanisms.
  3. Oracles SIG – Ensures accurate and decentralized price feeds for dTokens.
  4. Development SIG – Supports technical upgrades and DFIP implementation.
  5. Governance SIG – Maintains voting transparency and oversight.
SIG Operations:
  • Each SIG is community-elected and must publish regular reports.
  • Funding is performance-based and contingent on achieving milestones.
  • Masternodes retain veto power over SIG actions.

This model introduces decentralized governance while maintaining accountability and efficiency.

DFIP 4: Reallocating Funds from DFIP 2201-A for Community Fund & DUSD Burn

To reallocate funds initially assigned to address the BTC exploit to better serve DeFiChain’s community and stability efforts.

  • Eliminate the 0.1% additional fee on the BTC/DFI pool.
  • Redirect 2 DFI/block rewards (if still active) to the Community Fund.
  • Stop BTC/DFI stabilization bot operations.
  • Reallocate remaining funds:
    • 50% transferred to the Community Fund.
    • 50% swapped to DUSD and burned to aid repeg efforts.

This ensures that previously earmarked resources are utilized for broader community growth and ecosystem resilience.

DFIP 5: Force the Peg Finally

To implement decisive measures ensuring the stability and peg of DUSD amidst ongoing sell pressure.

Proposed Mechanisms:
  • DEX Fee Adjustments:
    • If DUSD < $0.95 → 100% DEX fee instantly applied.
    • If DUSD ≥ $1 for 12+ hours → Gradual 1% fee reduction until 0%.
    • If DUSD > $1.05 for 24+ hours → Fee remains at 0%.
  • Stable Fee Adjustments:
    • If DUSD < $1.05 → No stabilization fee on DUSD purchases.
  • Auction & Interest Rate Reforms:
    • Dynamic interest rates activate upon DUSD reaching $1.00 and remain active thereafter.
    • All fees previously used for negative interest will be burned instead.
Expected Impact:
  • Immediate Peg Recovery: Extreme measures ensure that DUSD regains and maintains parity with USD.
  • Stronger Long-Term Trust: Investors will regain confidence as stability mechanisms mature.
  • Controlled Stability Measures: Dynamic interest rates and auction mechanisms will sustain equilibrium, with the high DEX fee serving as a fallback during extreme market volatility.

Final Thoughts

This governance cycle introduces a range of structural improvements aimed at increasing DUSD adoption, fine-tuning fee structures, decentralizing decision-making, and ensuring economic stability. Each proposal reflects the community’s commitment to sustainable growth and efficient governance.

Further details and proposal submission guidelines can be found at github.com/DeFiCh/dfips#.


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