Celebrating Our 2nd Anniversary: How Far DeFiChain Has Come

May 11, 2022

On this day, 2 years ago, the first block of the DeFiChain blockchain was minted. Since then, it has established itself not just as a highly popular platform among DeFi enthusiasts but - and perhaps most importantly - one of the world’s best performing and well-utilized blockchains today.

Indeed, one can’t help but reflect on the memorable milestones that the amazing team behind DeFiChain has managed to achieve in the previous year. In fact, below is an infographic that summarizes the notable highs and remarkable feats that transpired in the year that was.

With that, we take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone - our team members, DeFiChain community members and all stakeholders - for their much valued support. Truly, our success is your success.

Once again, thank you so much. Please keep posted for more exciting updates as we look forward to another year of amazing achievements and innovation.


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